Thursday, January 1, 2015

Christmas family pictures

Every year we get some Christmas family pictures done, just like the rest of America. Ha! I guess you could call it a tradition? The main picture we go for is a "Merry KISSmas picture!" I know, so cheesy, but we look forward to it every season. It's fun going back and comparing our KISSmas pictures, especially since we've added another kid to the mix. So, here's our 2014 Christmas photo album.


  1. Love your Christmas pictures!!! You guys look great as always, love you top!!!!

  2. Cute pictures! I love all the Santa hats. Such a great idea!

  3. These are such cute photos! :)

  4. whoohoo look at those red heels! Love them! Adorable! Love the pictures of you and your husband! <3


Thanks for making me feel all warm and fuzzy inside!! :)