Dave and I had been trying to get pregnant for a while so we were watching for all the signs of being pregnant. After months of trying I scheduled an appointment with my OBGYN to figure out why I wasn't pregnant yet. She told me that it takes most couples up to a year to get pregnant. Asked me some questions about my body, health etc, gave me advice and this powdery drink mix that helps women conceive and sent me on my way. I was feeling really discouraged about the whole thing because it was so easy getting pregnant with Kyson (TMI?). I hadn't been on birth control in years and felt like I was pretty healthy. So was it so hard to get pregnant? I got home and realized that my period was a day late but blew it off. Once Dave got home I told him everything the doctor said and he told me to just go take a pregnancy test. I told him no that I didn't want to waste another test to just be let down again and that if I didn't get my period in the next couple days I would take one. Two days later I woke up and decided to just take a test since I was still late. It was instantly positive and I started ugly girl crying! Too bad Dave was at work but I had all day to figure out a fun way to tell him.
We had these little mailboxes from Target that we got for Valentines Day and decided to write him cheesy love notes and stick them in his mailbox. I made sure to give subtle hints that I was pregnant on each note. I felt so clever! I got all dolled up and patiently waited for him to get home.
Once he was home, I waited a couple hours to tell him so he wouldn't have any idea what was coming! I grabbed the camera, stuck the pregnancy test in my pocket (gross) and handed him his mailbox. He was so confused and I was so proud of myself!
I guess I was a little too subtle because he had to read them a few times and still didn't get it. I'm just too smart for my own good. So, I just showed him the test instead! haha
Now that's the reaction I was looking for!
Here are my notes. Don't judge me, especially the last one!
(the last one hints at 9 months)
We were shocked because only two days earlier I was asking my doctor why I wasn't pregnant yet. And only a week earlier a test said negative, little did I know I already was!
I was four weeks along when we found out!
We feel so blessed that God is trusting us with another one of his babies! Already this pregnancy is the complete opposite from my last one. I feel great! No sickness at all, just very, very tired. All. The. Time. I feel like an infant that sleeps 16 hours of the day.
Thank you everyone for the support and love. I'm surrounded by the most amazing people!