Tuesday, March 19, 2013


It's been almost a month since I last posted. I didn't do it on purpose, I've been so busy, so overwhelmed and just haven't had a second of spare time to blog. I just found out about the whole google reader thing so if you'd like to follow me on bloglovin' here's the link

I have so much to fill you in on it's ridiculous! But it just needs to wait just a few more days, ahhh so sorry!
I spend a bit more time on instagram these days, it's just easier to upload a picture then write out a post. So if you'd like to see what I've been up to follow me at denisemadsen1


  1. Excited for the updates. :) I better figure out Bloglovin' because it seems like a lot of people are making the jump! :)

  2. Your post made me finally sign up for Bloglovin' I have been seeing mass posts about switching! So I'm there now! :D

  3. You're doing better than me on the blogging front! :D

  4. I've missed you in the blog land but enjoy following via instagram. Glad your doing well and looking forward to a update post soon!!!!


Thanks for making me feel all warm and fuzzy inside!! :)