I know, I know I'm a terrible blogger. The first step is admitting it right?
Anyways, over the last couple of months I've been doing a lot of thinking about this here blog. Why I have it? When and what to blog about? Who looks at my blog and why? blah blah blah... It's always fun to go see who's viewing your blog and what keywords they use to find your blog. I've definitely had some funny ones!
Creepy back rub guy, poopy diaper girl, a big special shoutout to all who made my birthday special?! But then I started to get some very creepy ones.. Let's just say it's pornographic. I was weirded out by it but just shrugged it off. But then it kept happening more and more frequently. I know I've never put pornographic material anywhere on my blog but it got me thinking. I don't want creepy perv's looking at my family pictures with me in them. And I especially don't want those perv's looking at my son! So I've decided to make my blog private!
I have so much to blog about but I'm just not comfortable writing all about my family and our adventures for the whole world to see.
So if you're interested in keeping up with us, then send me your email in a comment and I'll add you to the list!
We've definitely done some fun things, have some fun vacations coming up and have some big news too! I did something drastic that you wont want to miss either ;)
So get those emails coming!! And follow me on Instagram