Thursday, November 10, 2011

Thanksgiving is when?!

It just hit me like a ton of bricks!
Thanksgiving is just a couple weeks! I cannot wait to chow down on yummy homemade goodness!
So because I'm in such a thankful mood, here is a list of things I am most thankful for!

 My Faith is my rock, my love, and my happiness! Without it, I would be so confused about my purpose here on Earth!

He is my main concern. Everything I do is to better his life and in the process he has helped me better mine! He is the cheese in my macaroni, the sun in my sky, and the blood in my veins. I love him unconditionally!

My family
I'm so thankful for such a tight knit family. They are seriously the and I am truly blessed to have them!

My education
...cause without me, the world would be an uglier place! I love doing hair and communicating with so many people every single day! It is such a rewarding career and I can't wait to own my own salon!

Shampoo & Conditioner
Do I really need to explain this one?! Clean hair is happy hair :)

My health
I have the best immune system.. EVER! I was truly blessed in that department and am so beyond thankful for it :)

Music has been a huge part of my life! I play multiple instruments and I sing. It's such a stress relief to be able to blast music and better yet make music!

hot chocolate with marshmallows
Hot chocolate is my coffee! I love having it first thing in the morning to warm me up! Especially since its getting so cold!!

I love where fashion is going! So many accessories and fresh looks. Not to mention winter clothes are my favorite!

So there you have it! I'm thankful for so much more but we all know that would go on and on and on and on....

and on!

What are you thankful for?



  1. I'm thankful for fabulous people like you!! Sorry I've been so busy lately- I've been registering for classes, figuring out how things transfer, trying to find a new place to live, and planning a trip there next week... crazy times!! But know that I've missed you!

  2. That's a great list! I am thankful for so many people and things. I love that it's almost Thanksgiving, however, it is SO crazy that it is almost the end of 2011. Where has the time gone? Anyway...great post! Thanks for sharing!

  3. All great things to be thankful for! Especially good health and family. Hot chocolate is pretty high on my list too. ;-)

  4. I am sooo thankful for my beautiful son, and husband! I can't imagine life with out them. Love that picturs - such a cutie!

  5. Seriously be thankful for your immune system! Mine sucks, haha! :) I love that last picture!

  6. I didn't realize you had a sweet baby, Denise! He is a doll and I LOVE his name! Great post:-)

  7. Thanks for sharing! I am thankful for my life in general, food on the table, a warm place to sleep, my husband, my education and job, and all the people that love me!


Thanks for making me feel all warm and fuzzy inside!! :)